Supporting people in crisis in Ukraine
We have learned about the crisis in Ukraine with heavy hearts. We strongly condemn Russia’s military action, and our thoughts are with victims of the war, and all whose daily lives shattered in a devastating way in February 2022. We have supported Red Cross in providing humanitarian assistance and emergency response to the people in need in Ukraine and the nearby regions. We have also suspended selling our products to Russia and Belarus as of March 1, 2022.
Summer traineeships and Vastuullinen kesäduuni -program
Teleste is offering young talents opportunities to learn about worklife and grow as a professional. In 2022 we participated in ’Vastuullinen Kesäduuni’ program, committing to making summer traineeship a positive experience. In summer 2022, we had more than 20 open positions for young talents in Finland. Learn more about Teleste as an employer and take a look on our open positions.
TELESTE LAB! at Turku Vocational Institute in Turku
Teleste LAB! and educational environment at TAI – Turun ammatti-instituutti, Åbo yrkesinstitut offers hands-on training opportunities for their students of telecommunications and electrical engineering. The room is is equipped with Teleste’s HFC devices and measuring instruments so it gives the students real understanding of the skills and competencies required in the field.